To control aphids, bagworm, beetles, budmoth, cabbage worm, caterpillars, codling moth, currant fruitworm, fruit moth, lace bug, leafhopper, leafminer, leafroller, mealybug, mIt’s, pine shoot moth, pear psylla, plant bug, plum curculio, raspberry fruitworm, tent caterpillars, whitefly. Mix 10 mL (2 teaspoonful’s) in 3 L of water and spray to wet all surfaces of foliage. Apply at first appearance of insects. Repeat application as required or at 7 day intervals. Do not apply within seven days of harvest of edible crops. Leaf lettuce within fourteen days. For spruce budworm apply at 20 mL (4 teaspoonful’s) in 3 L of water as soon as larvae appear. Injury may occur to African violet, crassula, fern, petunia, Sabina and Canaerti juniper, red maple, McIntosh and Cortland apples, Bosc and Bartlett pears, and Ribier grapes.